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 Just curious

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Posts : 2714
Join date : 2010-01-14
Age : 35
Location : Middle Tennessee

Just curious Empty
PostSubject: Just curious   Just curious EmptyFri 30 Jul 2010, 12:26 pm

What do you all do for a living? I am at a crossroads in life and HAVE to figure out what I wanna do.... I figure several of us have quite a bit in common so any input would be great.
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Posts : 2931
Join date : 2009-11-19
Location : Oklahoma

Just curious Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just curious   Just curious EmptyFri 30 Jul 2010, 8:56 pm

I went to school to be a teacher and coach.

Might be something that interests you, because you coach AAU basketball right?

If you like coaching, teaching may be an option
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Age : 35
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Just curious Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just curious   Just curious EmptySat 31 Jul 2010, 12:54 am

Yes, I did last summer and help out a little this summer, I was going to be a teacher, but I really do not want to teach lol, and in the state of Tennessee, teachers just dont make that much money at all..

But that goes to show we have somethign in common lol, thats what I was initially in school for.
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Location : Oklahoma

Just curious Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just curious   Just curious EmptySat 31 Jul 2010, 12:56 am

Thats why you gotta find your a sugar-momma lol...that makes alot of money. HAHA

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Location : Dallas TX

Just curious Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just curious   Just curious EmptySat 31 Jul 2010, 1:00 am

I just got out of the US Navy last year. and now im in Radio Broadcasting School. im set to graduate in December. Im about to start working as a intern at a hip hop station soon!!!!!!!
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Age : 35
Location : Middle Tennessee

Just curious Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just curious   Just curious EmptySat 31 Jul 2010, 1:04 am

Haha once again, broadcasting would be fun, sports radio or something on tv even, I dont speak that clearly though, i talk too fast lol.
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Join date : 2009-11-19
Location : Oklahoma

Just curious Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just curious   Just curious EmptySat 31 Jul 2010, 1:12 am

I almost went with sports broadcasting, I interned with the Tulsa Drillers (AA Rockies Affiliate) play-by-play guy...I still have an urge to do it sometimes, I didnt go to any classes in college, it was a self-starting booklet, where they set you up with a local radio guy. It was fun, but I didn't stick with it...sometimes I think I should have.
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Join date : 2009-12-12
Location : Dallas TX

Just curious Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just curious   Just curious EmptySat 31 Jul 2010, 4:52 am

yeah radio is fun. alot of people always use to tell me i should do radio because i have a good voice for it. But so far i like it alot and eventually want to branch off to sports radio
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Coach Gruden

Coach Gruden

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Just curious Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just curious   Just curious EmptySun 01 Aug 2010, 7:13 am

real estate it, even though the market sucks right now...can make ton's of cash in a good market (which will happen again), set your schedule.....if you feel like going out in your boat, play golf etc, you can still make some coin if a listed property gets a offer...
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Age : 35
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Just curious Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just curious   Just curious EmptySun 01 Aug 2010, 11:37 pm

is the job easy? Like how smart do you have to be to do that? What all do you need to knw about? How do you get into it?
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Coach Gruden

Coach Gruden

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Location : coeur d alene-idaho

Just curious Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just curious   Just curious EmptyMon 02 Aug 2010, 2:31 am

titangator wrote:
is the job easy? Like how smart do you have to be to do that? What all do you need to knw about? How do you get into it?

is it easysometimes it is, sometimes a client is a complete pain in the have to be available at odd hours...not a traditional 9-5 job, if a client needs something they can call you at anytime, so be ready to take calls at 9 at night, or have to work smart do you have to be? haha, look at me....that's all you need to know...if I can do it, anyone can do it....what all do you need to know? I guess the biggest thing is do you like working with people, can you listen to what there needs are, in regards to what type of home they want...figuring out what a house should be listed at, it's pretty easy, the market will tell you...after a couple of years it's pretty easy to figure out what a house will sale for...but for instance if home owner wants to list a house for 200K and you know it won't sale for more then 170K how do you educate them to this fact?...but over time you figure out how to kindly explain/educate do you get into it? look for a real estate school/class in your area...I took an accelerated night time class, which lasted 5 weeks that prepared me for a state/federal test that you have to pass to get your license...look around for a real estate company...since most don't pay you a salary, commission based solely, you end up paying them a % of your sales to carry the brand name, so it's not hard to get into a company...then I would advise to pick a niche area you like....for instance there is a lady in our office who does solely manufactured/mobile units...the commission on those are small, but since most agents don't want to deal with it, she gets all the business and makes a nice living...another person does lake front sales....if he list one home at $2,500,000 and gets the sale guess what the commission on that deal is? 3% listing fee that's $75,000 then his broker takes 30% which equal a take home check of $52,500 not bad for one deal...I got into new construction, which is fun, helping someone build a house from scratch, plus sitting in a model home I get buyers coming to me...sometime they have a house to sale, so I can get the listing, then the buying side on the home there build, which if they usually leads to double ending the deal, being a buyer and seller dual agent which is 5% on that deal, not counting the 3% on the sale of there old home...some people do short sales only, commercial property, vacant land etc..anyway probable more info then you wanted. Bottom line if I can do it, anyone can...if you have more questions let me know, glad to try and help.
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Posts : 3230
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Age : 34
Location : Windsor, Ontario

Just curious Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just curious   Just curious EmptyMon 02 Aug 2010, 12:17 pm

Very cool Chris. Me? I just got full time status at Home Depot. I work in the Lumber and Building Materials department, mainly designing decks for customers, picking lumber orders, selling drywall, concrete... all the essentials of home renovation and stuff. It was veyr confusing at first but now I've got the hang onf it and my work has high expectations for me because I set the bar high.

I've got ambitions to go to school at Wayne State (I'm from Windsor Ontario Canada) which is about an hour away from where I live (after crossing the border). I want to take a business course and feel out what I think would be best for me. I'm starting to think using a degree to advance my position and status at HD is a legit opportunity at a career.
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Just curious Empty
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